Public Domain and Freeware by Ralf Brown: The MSDOS Interrupt List A comprehensive listing of functions available through interrupt calls on IBM PCs and compatibles. Includes both documented and undocumented functions. Current version: INTER490 RBcomm A DESQview-aware communications program which sports seamless DSZ, PCZ, or PUMA integration for file transfers; ANSI/VT100/VT52/AVATAR emulation (including 132 columns); speeds to 57600 bps; a powerful macro language; dialing directory; and more. Runs in 65K with DSZ, 41K without. Current version: RBCOMM32 DV-GLUE DESQview API bindings for Turbo C. Current version: DVGLUE10 (source) DVGLUL10 (compiled) DVGLU101 (update) DVKPOLL "Poor man's version" of TAME. Makes programs give up CPU time when they are in an idle loop polling the keyboard for keystrokes. Current version: DVKPOLL2 Note: I have no plans of ever releasing another version. If this doesn't work for you, I suggest you try TAME. DVINT An extract of the MSDOS Interrupt List containing the DESQview API calls. Current version: DVINT390 SPTURBO An integrated environment for Borland's Sprint word processor and Turbo C, Turbo Pascal, Turbo Assembler, Turbo Debugger, and CDECL. Knows which compiler to invoke based on the file's extension, and can run MAKE for multi-file projects. Current version: SPTURBO (v2.3 Aug 1,1989) SPAWNO A replacement for Turbo C's spawn() function which swaps the current program to disk while the spawned program executes. Current version: SPAWNO ------------- Availability: ------------- On the ARPAnet, by standard anonymous FTP from CS.CMU.EDU []. Change directly to directory /afs/ (directories above this are not accessible via anonymous FTP) [only RBcomm, DVKPOLL, SPAWNO, and the Interrupt List] On FIDOnet, from Doctor's Inn BBS 1:129/53 1-412-881-7757 1200/2400/9600 HST and NorthStar Pitt BBS 1:129/81 1-412-881-1749 1200/2400 (same computer, different modems) File Requests. Non-HST callers please try NorthStar Pitt first. Secondary Distribution Points (available here within a day or so of release): ARPA: on WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL [] as file INTERnyy.ZIP in directory PD1:, where nyy stands for release n of year yy. Note that you must use mode "tenex" or "type L 8" to successfully FTP the file. FIDO: SyncPoint BBS 1:261/1008 1-301-529-2584 File Requests. DV-GLUE, DVKPOLL, DVINT, the Interrupt List, and RBcomm are also available on Fidonet BBSs belonging to DVNet. DVnet member boards (as of June 1990): *65'North, Fairbanks, AK 1:17/38 907-452-1460 9600HSTV32 Opus 386, Davis, CA 1:203/910 916-753-6321 2400 Carl's Corner, San Jose, CA 1:10/1 408-248-9704 9600HSTV32 Carl's Corner, San Jose, CA 1:10/2 408-248-0198 2400 SeaHunt BBS, Burlingame, CA 1:125/20 415-344-4348 9600HST Stingray!, Clovis CA 1:205/12 209-298-9461 9600HST Bertha Board, Mantica CA 1:208/204 209-823-0093 9600HST SF PCUG BBS, San Francisco CA 1:1/310 415-621-2609 9600HSTV32RE P C Support, Portland, OR 1:105/66 503-297-9078 2400 Atarian BBS, Portland, OR 1:105/10 503-245-9730 9600HSTV32 Busker's BoneYard, Portland,OR 1:105/14 503-771-4773 9600PEP Busker's Boneyard, Portland,OR 1:105/41 503-775-7926 9600HSTV32 Pacifier BBS, Vancouver, WA 1:105/103 206-253-9770 9600HSTV32 Puget Sound Gtwy., Puyallup, WA 1:138/3 206-566-8854 9600HST Rampart General,Kansas City,MO 1:280/6 816-761-4039 9600HSTV32 Icarus, Iowa City, IA 1:283/657 319-337-9878 9600HSTV32 Oregon Trail XRoads, Casper WY 1:303/5 307-472-3615 9600H96 Dawg Byte, Nashville, TN 1:116/29 615-385-4268 9600HST Dickson County, Dickson, TN 1:116/25 615-446-4475 2400 Programmers' Attic, Will., MI 1:159/850 517-655-3347 2400 Wolfram Research, Champaign IL 1:233/17 217-398-2800 9600HSTV32 Ecclesia Place, Monroeville, PA 1:129/75 412-373-8612 9600HST The Other BBS, Harrisburg PA 1:270/101 717-657-2223 9600HST IBM Tech Fido, Pepperell, MA 1:322/1 508-433-8452 9600HSTV32 Waystar BBS, Marlborough, MA 1:322/14 508-481-7147 9600HST SeaCoast Opus, Kittery Pt ME 1:132/225 207-439-9367 9600HST Andromeda Galaxy, Troy NY 1:267/167 518-273-8313 9600HST Treasure Island, Danbury, CT 1:141/730 203-791-8532, 9600HST Addict's Attic,Germantown MD 1:109/423 301-428-8998 9600HST Maple Shade Opus,Maple Shade NJ 1:266/12 609-482-8604 9600HSTV32 Capital City , Burlington NJ 99:9230/1 609-386-1989 9600HSTV32 Capital City , Burlington NJ 8:950/10 609-386-1989 9600HSTV32 The Switch Room, Plainsboro NJ 1:107/436 609-799-9374 9600HST The Switch Room, Plainsboro NJ 1:107/437 609-799-0628 2400 Southern Cross BBS, Miami FL 1:135/69 305-220-8752 9600HST Software Designer, Albany, GA 1:3617/1 912-432-2440 9600HSTV32 Software Designer, Albany, GA 8:928/1 912-432-2440 9600HSTV32 Dragon's Lair, Galveston, TX 1:386/451 409-762-2761 9600HST Dragon's Lair, Galveston, TX 409-762-7456 2400MNP Conch Opus, Houston, TX 1:106/357 713-667-7213 2400PCP Inns of Court, Dallas, TX 1:124/6101 214-458-2620 9600HSTV32 Dallas Email, Dallas, TX 8:930/101 214-358-1205 9600HSTV32MO Spare Parts, Bedford, TX 1:130/38 817-540-3527 9600HST Southern Crossroads, Dallas TX 1:124/4115 214-423-1498 9600HSTV32 The Gas Company, Arlington TX 8:930/201 817-265-8938 9600HST QE2, Austin TX 1:382/58 512-328-1229 2400 Ned's Opus HST Ottawa,ON Canada 1:163/211 613-523-8965 9600HST Ned's Opus, Ottawa ON Canada 1:163/210 613-731-8132 2400 Ned's Opus, Ottawa ON Canada 1:163/205 613-731-7168 2400 Imperial Terran, St Cath,ON 1:247/102 416-646-7105 9600HST Arcane BBS, Laval PQ Canada 1:167/116 514-687-9586 9600HST The HEKOM Board (Netherlands) 2:286/3 31-3483-4072 2400MNP5 BBS_D.C.V.V., Maaseik (Belgium) 2:295/26 32-11-568620 9600HSTV32 QBBS_H.S.P., Miskom (Belgium) 2:295/33 32-11-581344 9600HSTV32 Micro Maniacs (Finland) 2:515/1 358-0-425966 9600HSTV32 Blumenkistl, Vienna (Austria) 2:310/10 43-222-6040844 9600HST M.U.G. Info Board,Essen FRG 2:245/1 49-201-483735 9600HST BitMaster BBS, Bielefeld, FRG 2:245/23 49-521-2081522 9600HST E.I.S.2, Frankfurt FRG 2:247/14 49-69-6311235 9600HST Marwick's MadHouse (Australia) 3:640/820 61-7-371-5864 9600PEPV32 Sentry Lane Cove NSW(Australia) 3:711/401 61-2-428-4687 9600PEP Sentry's Shadow, Lane Cove NSW 3:711/501 61-2-418-6682 9600V32 Central Source ICBS(Australia) 3:632/348 61-3-874-8927 9600PEP TAIC Opus Kowloon (Hong Kong) 3:700/1 852-3-789-1267 9600PEPV32